October 05, 2010

Parents need to vent anger! Try these 4 steps to a Serenity

Parents are losing their self-monitoring anger. A friend called me today and he said to me, very disturbing story. She told me about News t.v., she heard about a mother who was travelling with a 4-year-old child. Mother became angry with your child and are no longer able to cope with her child is misbehaving. Finally my mother suddenly has hobbled, stop the car at a busy highway. She pulled over the side of the highway, opened the door and pushed her out of the car slammed the door and just left! Fortunately, someone saw this poor guy, away from the highway, stopping and talking with the child, it is the police and his mother was found. Unbelievable ... Dropping your child busy highway because you cannot cope with four years of misbehaving or his anger!

This feeling of anger, annoyance annoyed, rage, impatient, irritable, frustrated and disgust. There's nothing wrong with anger. Feeling and expressing their anger is healthy trèjderu.What does not work while taking your anger on someone else. Hitting, yelling and denial not answers to express your anger.

Parents understandably, older, bigger, faster and stronger than their child. Even with all this influence on the side of the parent parents are uncomfortable with their children's behavior and became angry at their children. Petrified anger their parents children. If you ask any of their worst memory of anger, he will most likely be their parent anger either each other or their children. When a child hears a loud voice, tone of voice and hearing his parents fighting, he plays havoc with him because his parents relationship is the foundation of its existence. Parents are an irreplaceable figure in the lives of their children.Thought about family life does not leave a child, believing that he is all alone on this earth he wondered what would happen to him? Scary thing for your child to contemplate.

4 year old Beth were frequent bouts of temper tantrums, dawling, rudeness and just loved tease her younger brother Ken. Beth parents are fed-up with Beth and anger, because no matter what they still Bet is a full hands. Beth parents are nagging scolding, and finally bashing Beth, every time she acted.They began to feel guilty. Beth parents knew what must be a better way to cope with their anger, and Beth more emotionally acceptable behavior, but do not know what to do. They noticed a more aggressive behaviour by Beth, just increase the exact behaviour, they want to keep. They saw that their sentence really had little correction value.

Beth parents need some profitable strategies that will enable their anger.They need to showcase their child to cope with their anger. It's simple: children learn to emulate every child watches and learns from his mother and father. Beth also need a way should be encouraged to express their anger constructively, without vydvorâemoe.Allow your child to express their anger, to say it's on their minds is a healthy way to connect with your child. Verbal expressions of your child's anger allows you to find out your child feels safe to uncomfortable thought.

Many parents know that much more effective punishment than defeat or impair the time-out, being grounded, the loss of privileges and expressed his disappointment. In these cases, a child learns that they still OK people even thought their actions and behavior. The next time you feel angry, try one or all of the following:

Step 1: lack of physical exercise

When you are angry, take your child in the open air and a brisk walk. Tell your child that you work out your anger. Keep walking until you start to feel more calm and in control. You can try jogging, lifting weights, or walk up and down a flight of stairs, yet you don't feel exhausted. These forms of always calm down each.

Step 2: the closed doors of a giant bear activities

Tell your child you are angry and you want it. Go into the room; do not offer your child, just tell your child waiting outside the door. Close the door and pretend you're a giant bear! Grunt, groan, stomp around and let it all! This episode sounds funny, but it allows your anger out on a journey. You can hear a fit of giggles on the other side of the door as your child will think this sounds pretty funny. You need to vent and let the anger.

Step 3: The Angry letter

When you become angry, draw your child into a table with two pencils, two envelopes and some paper. Tell your child that you write your anger away.Let your child (or Tailor) pencil and paper.Encourage your child to start writing or drawing.Enter your "Email Wrath" (just write, don't tell) on paper, what is it about your child that makes you so angry, what they did or did not.Once you're done, put the letter in an envelope has been issued.When you feel angry again, to open and read it.Add, how do you feel at the end.Once you no longer need to look at email, manage emails with ceremony.Make significant event of this step allows your child to understand that anger can be expressed, is available on paper instead of physically hurting another person bashing or scream.

Step 4: anger role games

Go to room only and put two seats facing each other: Imagine your child staying in other places.(Not to invite to your baby!)Say your imaginary child how angry you. then go to an empty chair and said he will tell you they go back to your stool and discredit the logic of your argument or Bust it baby to shreds! go forward and back by playing yourself and your baby as long as you need you can share this anger role play with your child after you vent their anger and demonstrate how effective this technique is to express anger and update their results.

Remember that feeling and expressing their anger in a manner not threatening healthy trèjderu.

Linda Milo, aka parents descendants connect coach, has a simple philosophy: Raising healthy children will take more than the right expectations or knowing the appropriate ways to discipline or reward your child. parents with children is also deeply emotional experience that requires you, the parents, in order to maintain awareness of own needs for free advice on having a healthy and trusting relationship with your child within 90 days, go to: http://www.empoweringparentsnow.com or by email: linda@empoweringparentsnow.com.


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