We all had the feeling of being angry at some time in our lives. This anger can range from mildly annoying to the experience of rage. In any case, it is important to understand that anger is fine. This is actually quite healthy human emotions, when handled properly. It can be devastating, but when she had me turns out of control. This can cause problems in your life, and it could affect every aspect of your life, including your personal relationships, and even how you see yourself. When your anger control over you, it can leave you feeling helpless and out of control. When you understand the components of anger, although you will be able to get a handle on this powerful emotions.
Explanation of anger
Like love, joy and sadness, anger is an emotion. It can be experienced in one way or another, from a few annoying uncontrollable rage.When a person is angry, just as other emotions, they experience changes in the body. these changes, biological and physiological nature and include an increase in heart rate, increased adrenaline and high blood pressure. Some people may be flushed, breathing and even dizzy.
You can become angry at the situation, event, or person.This is a natural response to the threats and the natural answer to angry aggression. This primal trend but necessary for survival: the problem arises, as some people express their anger. When you are not able to express their anger in a constructive spirit, you can create many problems.
Ways we Express anger
A knee-jerk reaction to the anger usually aggression.The first instinct of many people is a lash out at violators person or situation.This stems from the basic "fight or flight" instincts that we share the will to all animals.Sometimes though, flogging is counterproductive to what you want to achieve. There are three main steps that must be processed, oppress anger: Express and calm is expressing part that returns some trouble.Anger must be expressed, some people take it to another level with serious aggression versus control approval.Here's where things spiral out of control and repression and calming part go to the window that begins destruction.
You have a problem with your anger?
Answer Yes or no to the 25 questions to determine whether or not you may have problems with your anger. If you answered Yes to 10 or more questions, problem management anger and must seek the help of a specialist. rated 5-9 indicates the normal reaction to the anger, although rated 4 or below lower than normal reaction to be angry.
1. I fly into a rage.
2. I get really irritated by people who do not act in such a way that they are or who act as they do not have common sense.
3. I didn't express my anger, but usually when I do this explosive.
4. my temperament caused a problem for me.
5. when I am frustrated about something does not handle it well, I can't seem to put it out of my memory.
6. some people are afraid of me from my bad mood.
7. when I get very angry or upset about something, usually feel bad, then with the headache, stomachache, diarrhea, nausea, or weakness.
8. There are times that I feel so alone, isolated and hurt that I want to kill me.
9. when I think ill or means that things that people have done for me in my past, I still get angry.
10. Sometimes when I get angry, I'm talking about things that later regret (name calling, mean things to say, etc.)
11. frequently I trusted people, and they let me down.This has left me feeling betrayed, hurt and anger.
12. when I lose control of my emotions, I feel angry at me.
13. some of the night, I'm awake and think about the bad things that happened to me throughout the day, things break me.
14. Waiting or queued really gets on my nerves.
15. I often hate myself after I argue with someone.
16. There are moments that I was so angry that I can't remember what I did or what I said.
17. when someone does something or says something that frustrates or angers me, I usually don't do or say something about it but nevertheless, I spend a lot of time later think about smart comments cutting answers and things that I should have, and could have said.
18. I usually want to get even with people who hindered me or hurt me.
19. I am a very hard time to forgive those who have wronged me.
20. There are times when I was pretty angry.
21. I have a tendency to be pretty intense arguments with people who are closest to me.
22. There are moments that I get or get so angry that I become physically violent, breaking things or harm people.
23. I get depressed when I want to see it.
24. when I feel hurt, frustrated or angry, I use food, alcohol and drugs in comfort.
25. I know that I am a very wicked man, and that I need help learning how to manage my anger, because my temperament has had problems with my relationships or work.
How to manage your anger
If the count to ten, deep breathing, meditation, and other relaxing methods do not work for you, then class management anger can help you find good anger online class and work through your anger issues in the comfort of your own home when anger takes its toll on your life and create problems for you at home, work or school, then it is time to take action. anger is not a rule you, you can take control and be happy.
Anger class Internet is a site that allows you to undergo anger management online from the privacy of your own home for an honest review of the course, please visit: Anger class Online.
Author: Scott Allen Barker
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