The proposal to move from the grapes of wrath, co-sponsored the Ron Potter Effron and Patricia Potter Effron explain what anger serves two purposes: it tells you something is wrong, and it gives you energy do something about it. Nevertheless, the anger I can't tell you how to handle the situation. Here's where anger styles. Your anger is a normal, predictable style the way in which you handle situations or may become angry. The authors define the following eleven angry styles that are accepted by most people:
Anger. Anger avoiders don't like anger, and in many cases, they are afraid of anger at themselves and others. They think they'll lose control when they get angry, or angry is bad.They feel that they're a good man, because they don't get crazy problem in order to avoid outrage is that they often fail to listen to the signs that something was wrong, they cannot act assertively and they often feel like others go all over them.
Hidden anger. Sneaks anger don't let others know they're angry.Often they do not know what they're angry. Nevertheless, their anger manifests itself in a sneaky way such as "forget" to do things, they undertook to do.When anger sneak some demand from another angry, they keep the other requirements by dissolution, and this can lead to disappointing relationships with others.
Anger turned Inward.Some people believe that it's safer to get mad at yourself instead of getting mad at the other.So when something goes wrong they blame themselves, even if the other person's fault. While it is important to ask ourselves how we could contribute to what went wrong, too much anger turned inwards may lead to frustration and despair.
Sudden anger.People with a sudden anger let all your senses "freezes", for better or for worse.His anger as a sudden thunderstorm. They yell and make a great show of force, maybe even threw things against the wall, and then it ended. These people often lose control when they are angry and they often say and do things in the heat of the moment that they later regret.
Shame on anger. These people are ashamed to even the slightest criticism. They don't like myself very much and often feel worthless.When someone ignores or says something negative to them, they take it as evidence that they are not good enough. However, these feelings of shame makes them feel bad, so they lash out to another person, their anger strategy is: "you made me feel bad, so now I hurt you back".
Deliberate anger.Some people use anger specially to get what they want. They found that they can control others and get what they want from them with their anger. Deliberate anger may work for some time, but usually people are tired of being bullied around and they figure out a way to get back to the scammers.
Nejroaktivnyh anger.Some people like the adrenaline that comes from the wrath of their anger gives them an emotional arousal, and their life feel bored without these sudden "cane" intensity and emotional energy. If they didn't get their anger "fix" for awhile, they deliberately provoke a fight. Anger can be pleasant emotions, but for these people is better than feeling bored.
Customary hostility. Usually angry people get trapped in their anger: anger is a constant, von emotions. They wake up grumpy, they tend to complain about something, they immediately look bad in others and so on. Anger is the lives of those people.
Fear to be angry.Based on fear, anger comes when someone feels not threatened by others.These people see aggression throughout the world: people talking about them on their backs, plotting to take things from them and ready to attack them physically or verbally.Because of this irrational fear, they spend a lot of time, "protection" for what they feel is from their holdings in their relationships with others.
Moral anger.Moral anger people believe their angry for a good cause.These people have always fought for one reason or another, and those who are not with them, it is against them, they feel that their anger is justified because they side of righteousness, morality and justice.These people suffer from black and white thinking is intolerant of others and often have a rigid ways of thinking and acting.
Resentments/hatred.Hate is when someone decides that another person is totally evil or bad. Hate starts as unresolved anger; this anger turns to resentment and then hardens into hatred. hatred makes people, bitter and disillusioned, and it prevents the movement of their lives.
Conclusion anger can be a great help, as long as you don't fall into any of the balloons above. stop automatically respond to angry, so you always have done in the past the anger of a warning that something is wrong in your life and make sure you then to act in such a way that improves the situation.
Written by Marelisa F brega. for more information about managing anger visit anger management
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