All too often, when we have a crisis or situation that we are angry about we activate different memories of our past, and he can make a difference more overwhelming, he actually is. More importantly, it is able to handle our emotions on a much deeper level than we had anticipated.
About a year ago I got some very disappointing News that I felt betrayed.At this point I was enraged and boiled in the face. I was going in the mentality of anger, "How can this man treat me so unfair?"
At this point I could have gone in mental litany of reasons why this person was wrong to confuse me. But I happened to call a friend to say who gave me some very good tips. He said: "instead of having to think about the situation, just an intrinsic sense of anger.Don't go the way of thinking, but in the sense of feeling in your body, not the project as they are wrong, as this won't give you resolve. Explore your relationship with a person once you understand all the other things that make your body. "
So I spent the next few hours, feeling the impact of my body. It was a slow process of staying with my abdomen, heart and solar plexus and other body parts are considered as I felt the energy of anger in my body, I began to understand how familiar they believed.It is similar to other times that I had betrayed and angry and I felt anger that in earlier times as a kid were disappointed with family members.
As a child I cannot express my anger, or understand how to manipulate that my elders pulled over for me. I was left with was angry.
As I sat with this situation, I would feel anger and slowly becomes old memories. I see how my anger was resting. I could start to live in the past, Angers and support them. Then old memories easier, as I have said my inner child in the past, that they should not remain angry. The lies were releasing anger as well.
After a few hours of intensive processing I made a big jump in my personal growth.I felt free from some of my past tense situations. except from my current conflict with different.I still feel betrayed, but I could see his point of view, My fury is now more out of date, and not the past, so I had better control I was more centered on my anger.I saw that I was grieving, but because I have lost confidence in someone care.Now I was ready to talk to signal much easier.
All too often, when we have a crisis or situation that we are angry about we activate different memories of our past, and he can make a difference more overwhelming, he actually is. more importantly, it is able to handle our emotions on a much deeper level than we had anticipated.
Bart Sharp is an author and coordinator of Texas at Austin, he works with a wide range of people with emotional disorders or injuries, suppressed anger, addictions, depression and shame. Bart approach freeing memory limitations as energy body are unique but effective: he can be contacted at 512 809 6807 or for more information about Bart, go to
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