September 23, 2010

Heaven and hell-who will you choose?

Tell Samuri warrior who once asked his Zen master to show the difference between heaven and hell.

Zen master replied:

"You're too stupid to understand.I couldn't explain it might like you Imbecile. "

Samuri flew into a rage and drew his sword ready to cut off his head masters. Zen master quietly said:

"... It's hell."

Samuri fell on my knees and thanked the principal for the profound lesson.

Zen master then says:

"and that ... a paradise"

I often contemplate this story. So rich and emotional intelligence.

What does it mean?

What is hell?

We can see that able to uncontrolled fury, willing to harm another is hell. This is not a State of tranquility and happiness.This is a very unpleasant situation. When we "loose" and became angry, even with light intensity, we feel uncomfortable.

As ever, we can see the idea of someone else that power over us like a hellish. The idea that a few words from a Zen master power make intensive State Samuri very interesting. And is part of a seductive illusion that we all subscriptions.We all have this faith, others because "our feelings.

But it's true?Of course, it feels true at the moment, as in the case of our Samuri whose emotional well-being is so intense that he was ready to Chop anothers head, because at that point, he considers them as ' his feelings.It feels very real to us, in intense time an emotional "hijacking" …but when we really think about it, it is not possible to say a few words have much power over us, without us, with some earlier conditioning: bias.We have already implemented ideas of what those words mean to us.What is the real reason behind emotional reaction? "the original?Or before air conditioning?

That is, the time that the Samuri falls to his knees. we can only imagine what he was implemented.He acknowledged that the root of emotion, "hell" that he was in his mind?Does he know that he who has the power, was really?, it recognizes that nobody actually hurt him?Did he understand what was challenged by the false sense of myself?If they feel a sense of gratitude, gratitude, template that wisdom and skill to bring this to understand?There are endless possibilities of course his anger has subsided and he must have felt a "better"-as his emotions, returns to the State of equilibrium.

Having wisdom that our emotions occur within ourselves is not enough to stop our habitual emotional reacting. next time, Samuri feels someone insulted him, he could fly into a rage over and over again might happen a few times before it starts to "catch up" at the moment, old reaction.

Understanding of the process is huge, but it's still just the beginning. we need to build understanding and ability to change our normal emotional responses in Zen to achieve a State of inner peace, which cannot be broken "objective". Accomplished this is not ' accuse ' people push our buttons, but was pleased that they were "Wizard" for us, who brought our attention to the fact that we have a button that can be pushed in the first place.

Coaching process supports us in identifying and changing these normal reactions, so they have no power over us in terms of variety we can choose to react differently this awareness and skill gives us the right choice so that we can no longer be a victim of our consciousness.

Ruth Hadikin-coach, author and BSc astrologist soul she. midwives and spent 18 years at the service of health, nurse, midwife or obstetrician teacher. it has many articles published including coaching column in 2002 graduated CoachU curriculum trainer (CTP).

Author in effective coaching in health care, she also co-wrote "Interpersonal skills, and bullying culture with Muriel o' Driscoll. its last published work is Astrology soul view (April 2009), titled" Holistic science for the soul of the century ", she is currently associate editor, where she regularly writes on various subjects, including soul astrology.



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