September 24, 2010

How to handle anger

Anger is an emotion, which may be difficult to deal with. Sometimes it feels like a passing annoyance whereas in other cases, it consumes our bodies with burning rage. Anger is a natural human emotions, and it happens to everyone, whether we speak of it or not. Never mind that there is anger. How we treat anger determines whether it becomes a tool of the healings, or destruction.

Anger is wave energy. It's not who we are (as in "I'm angry face"). Instead, an emotion, who is visiting for a short time--if we decide to keep it. If the wrath of recognised and released in a healthy way, this can lead to deeper feelings of love. When anger is welcome, as is the case and see what it really is, it will go. This is not directly with anger can lead to subtle forms of anger, which can last for days or even years.These subtle forms of anger can include resentment, impatience, irritability, chronic care, insulation, etc. Successively extended levels of anger can affect production of migraines, arthritis and head, neck and shoulders health challenges. as with any suppressed emotions unresolved anger can lead to self-soothing comfort food or other addictions.

One of the reasons that anger can be so enigmatic is that many of us have not given permission to express this emotion while growing up. Often we are told, go to our room or calm down. Some of us were taught "stuff" emotions, especially anger.Often children learn that the negative feelings are not real, or is not visible.We are pretending to be happy, there's nothing wrong with a nice smile, be polite and keep emotions hidden or witnessed an unacceptable harmful manifestations of anger and decided that this is not the way we live our lives as a result, we grow up without the knowledge or experience of coping with anger healthy ways.

Isn't healthy to deal with your anger:

_____ more than eating binge/bulimia/anorexia/

____ compulsive exercise or move your body on endurance

____ drinking and sleeping

____ cutting or self-mutilation

__ sexual escape

__ output in silence or quiet mode

____ tranquillity on the streets of steaming inside

____ ignore or deny the problem

__ not

____ offensive shout/Struts and other angry or hateful words

_____ physical aggression, throwing things at the other person

____ internalize anger and frustration

__ stop intrusive negative thoughts

____ hypercritical self thought

Revenge of the __ seek penalties to another

__ stop on how bad you

Personalize your anger:

Coping with anger, one way to personalize it into its own.This allows you to see energy anger as separate from who you are.Here's a guide to anger.Steps work best if done out loud because it brings out the internal dialogue of the mind, so you can be aware of what is really going for you in anger.

1. breathe deeply, from your diaphragm breath from your breasts will not allow links from your feeling and avoid movement occurs.Acknowledge that you have anger and take some time to feel it inside your body.The decision not to run away from it.Thank you anger present.Allow for ideas, that even if you don't understand fully their anger, somehow you feel threatened.Your wrath is trying to fight for you thanks to thaw resistance, you have to their anger.

2. To anger your unconditional acceptance.Absorb what you wouldn't judge, ignore, shame, reject, criticize or punish yourself for what anger. it is a valid for you anger. your experience makes sense.

3. Share your desire to get acquainted with your anger, why here, and what he wants for you. anger is not your enemy. gnev specifies in pain, pain or fear. mere presence makes it possible to cure or open the door to greater love. Express your desire to learn, what an experience can be associated with this anger. communicate with your anger, in such a way that you allow yourself to be his friend, and your desire is to express yourself.

4. To angry words and memories to a safe place to go as you listen to your anger, go beyond the surface and ask that you feel threatened by. ask yourself what you want me to feel a bit better, even notice energy in your body, breathe into this energy and extends until you feel physical shift is still remember anger experience, not who you are.

5. recognize that under your anger you feel threatened in any way and must be prepared to listen ... understand that lives inside you invite Love your anger and gentle place under your anger is the process of converting. you may not need to decide anything, and you need to put a hurt that lives under the wrath of loving presence; your job is to realize exactly what caused you to feel threatened, and now allows more assertive and loving adults how to combat this threat.

Dr. Annette Colby, can help you take the pain out of life, make difficult emotions, joy, release stress, stop emotional eating and go from depression extraordinary life! Annette has authored your high potential and has a unique opportunity to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit to access hundreds of content-filled articles and subscribe to Fr ee subscriptions to love miracles! newsletter.


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